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Reading, and developing a love of Reading, are central to everything we do at Luddenden CE School. Our English curriculum is built all around books, and we make sure that all our pupils experience the ‘Power of Reading’ through a rich diet of very high-quality texts. We have an extensive range of books available for pupils’ enjoyment and use core books to enhance the curriculum and promote pupils’ personal, social, moral, spiritual and cultural development. 

Children are taught the fundamental skills they need to read and write fluently, independently and with confidence. Through the exploration of inspirational texts and experiences that will lead to rich language development, children are empowered with a breadth of vocabulary that they can build on in their future prospects. We want children to express themselves, be creative and expand their imagination through a broad range of stimulus.

At Luddenden CE School ‘Pupils enjoy reading with confidence and fluency’ Ofsted 21

Reading & Phonics

As well as being exciting and enjoyable, our reading scheme matches and supports pupils’ learning in phonics and is fully aligned to Rocket Phonics – our DfE validated, story-based, systematic, synthetic phonics (SSP) teaching programme. 

Our reading scheme can also be accessed online so children can continue their reading journey remotely if needed. 

Please note; all our curriculum planning documents are designed and sequenced so that pupils build the intended knowledge and skills over time. The content for each year group will remain the same however the sequence of delivery may be altered for greater effect in response to the needs, interests and experiences of individual cohorts, groups or the whole school community. 


At Luddenden CE School, we love maths! 

We follow the White Rose Maths scheme of work which has been designed in accordance with The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and The National Curriculum.

We aim for all our children to become successful problem solvers and resilient mathematicians. We ensure children have a strong and secure mathematical knowledge that will give them the correct foundations for later life. To do this we use the Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach to teach mathematical concepts. This enables children to solve problems in a variety of ways. By following the stages of CPA the children develop a deep understanding that they can reason with and explain.

Our Calculation Policy explains how our pupils are taught and learn calculation methods.

‘The curriculum for mathematics is suitably ambitious. All teachers have received recent and relevant training. Adults ensure that pupils revisit key knowledge to help them to remember what they have been taught. Pupils are able to use resources well to help with calculations.’ Ofsted 21

Please note; all our curriculum planning documents are designed and sequenced so that pupils build the intended knowledge and skills over time. The content for each year group will remain the same however the sequence of delivery may be altered for greater effect in response to the needs, interests and experiences of individual cohorts, groups or the whole school community. 


At Luddenden CE, we recognise the importance of science in every aspect of daily life. We therefore make links to real life situations and provide exciting opportunities for children to investigate and learn from first-hand experiences. Scientific enquiry skills are embedded in each topic the children study, and these topics are revisited and developed throughout their time at school. We follow the National Curriculum and aim to;

  • inspire excitement, curiosity and love for our planet, its inhabitants and processes
  • develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
  • develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help children to answer scientific questions about the world around them
  • equip children with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future

Please note; all our curriculum planning documents are designed and sequenced so that pupils build the intended knowledge and skills over time. The content for each year group will remain the same however the sequence of delivery may be altered for greater effect in response to the needs, interests and experiences of individual cohorts, groups or the whole school community. 

Religious Education

Religious Education at Luddenden CE School aims to build children’s knowledge, respect and understanding of different world faiths, to inspire curiosity, to explore commonality and diversity, and to provide children with the cultural capital they need to thrive.

Luddenden CE School is committed to providing an environment which nurtures curiosity, independence and a love of learning.

Our Religious Education (RE) curriculum aims to ensure all pupils learn from and about the Christian religion and other world faiths, so they can understand and appreciate the world around them.

We follow the Kirklees Local Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. The Believing and Belonging 2021 syllabus states that: ‘A broad and balanced programme of RE will reflect three key areas. First, it will include a study of the key beliefs and practices of religions and other world views, including those represented in West Yorkshire. Secondly, it will provide opportunities to explore key religious concepts and common human questions of meaning, purpose and value, often called ‘ultimate’ questions. Thirdly, it will enable pupils to investigate how beliefs affect moral decisions and identity, exploring both diversity and shared human values.’ Our Religious Education curriculum encourages pupils to reflect critically and responsibly on their own spiritual, philosophical and ethical views.

Please note; all our curriculum planning documents are designed and sequenced so that pupils build the intended knowledge and skills over time. The content for each year group will remain the same however the sequence of delivery may be altered for greater effect in response to the needs, interests and experiences of individual cohorts, groups or the whole school community. 

Physical Education

Luddenden CE School is committed to promoting an environment that nurtures health, self-respect and achievement. Our approach aims to engage, include, challenge and support every child.

Through our PE Curriculum, we aim for all our pupils to build the core strength, balance, coordination, agility and determination to enjoy and succeed in any sporting or physical activity.

We provide a clear learning journey which develops pupils’ personal, social, physical, health & fitness, cognitive and creative abilities.

We are a very busy and active school with great outdoor and indoor facilities.

All pupils experience a range of sporting activities through a minimum of 2 hours of PE per week. We use high quality resources, including Real PE, to support the delivery of a broad and balanced PE curriculum. We ensure inclusivity through our child-centred approach, and the addition and adaptation of a wide range of challenges, games and skill applications. Our outdoor play equipment is also used to enhance pupils’ experiences and provide additional opportunities to build strength, balance, agility and coordination.

Our commitment to sports and physical activity, has been recognized through our Active School Trailblazer status.
At Luddenden CE School, our primary focus in PE is to develop the essentials of physical literacy – that is agility, balance and coordination. This ensures that all our children have a basic grounding in the Fundamental Movement Skills which will enable them to participate in all sports and stay active for life.

Please note; all our curriculum planning documents are designed and sequenced so that pupils build the intended knowledge and skills over time. The content for each year group will remain the same however the sequence of delivery may be altered for greater effect in response to the needs, interests and experiences of individual cohorts, groups or the whole school community. 


Luddenden CE School is committed to providing an environment which embraces individuality, creativity, self-expression. Our music curriculum aims to ensure all pupils develop a love and appreciation of music through their experiences of listening, playing and singing.

The aims of the National Curriculum are fulfilled through the use of Charanga. It uses a repetition-based, practical and exploratory approach to musical learning. The interrelated dimensions of music weave through the units to encourage the development of musical skills as the learning progresses through listening and appraising, differing musical activities (including creating and exploring) and performing.

Children are exposed to a variety of musical genres and develop the skills to identify and evaluate these. They are actively involved in developing their singing voices and musicality, both individually and as part of a group. Children learn how to handle and play classroom instruments and how to interpret musical notation.

Please note; all our curriculum planning documents are designed and sequenced so that pupils build the intended knowledge and skills over time. The content for each year group will remain the same however the sequence of delivery may be altered for greater effect in response to the needs, interests and experiences of individual cohorts, groups or the whole school community. 


Luddenden CE School is committed to providing an environment which celebrates and encourages difference, innovation and courage. Our History curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils develop an appreciation the rich history of their locality and coherent knowledge, understanding and curiosity about the past in our local area, Britain and the wider world.

Pupils learn about and take inspiration from a wide range of influential historical figures. They are encouraged to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement, thus enabling them to begin to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.

In order to heighten interest and enthusiasm for history, we adopt a topic approach where pupils can become immersed in their studies. We make best use of cross-curricular links and books to enhance historical learning. History will be used to teach pupils directly about diversity and anti-discrimination – pupils will be taught black history and will learn about important figures from minority/underrepresented groups.

Please note; all our curriculum planning documents are designed and sequenced so that pupils build the intended knowledge and skills over time. The content for each year group will remain the same however the sequence of delivery may be altered for greater effect in response to the needs, interests and experiences of individual cohorts, groups or the whole school community. 


All members of the Luddenden CE school family strive to be amazing global citizens.

Our Geography Curriculum aims to ensure all pupils develop a strong sense of place and a curiosity about the world and all its diverse inhabitants in order to nurture ambition, aspiration and achievement.

Throughout school Children learn about places, people and processes to accumulate sound geographical knowledge, skills and understanding over time. We make the most of our our rich local area and make best use of cross curricular links to prompt discussion, questioning and ideas.

Children are taught about the effects of climate change and how to be agents of positive change. We also use Geography to enhance pupils’ understanding and celebration of diversity.

Please note; all our curriculum planning documents are designed and sequenced so that pupils build the intended knowledge and skills over time. The content for each year group will remain the same however the sequence of delivery may be altered for greater effect in response to the needs, interests and experiences of individual cohorts, groups or the whole school community. 

Art & Design

Luddenden CE School is committed to providing an environment which embraces individuality, innovation and creativity. Our Art Curriculum aims to ensure all pupils have opportunities to produce and explore a wealth of creative and imaginative work so that they become able to use and enjoy art as a means of self-expression and exploration.

Through the exploration and evaluation of their own ideas as well as the work of others, children at Luddenden CE school become confident and proficient in a variety of art techniques and skills. We draw upon our rich local heritage to further inspire our school community.

Please note; all our curriculum planning documents are designed and sequenced so that pupils build the intended knowledge and skills over time. The content for each year group will remain the same however the sequence of delivery may be altered for greater effect in response to the needs, interests and experiences of individual cohorts, groups or the whole school community. 

Modern Foreign Languages

Our MfL curriculum enables children to express their ideas and thoughts in French and provides opportunities to interact and communicate with others both in speech and in writing whilst giving children an introduction to the culture of French-speaking countries and communities. In years 3 and 4, children acquire basic skills and understanding of French with a strong emphasis placed on developing their Speaking and Listening skills. These are be embedded and further developed in Years 5 and 6, alongside Reading and Writing, gradually progressing onto more complex language concepts. Our aim is to help children grow into curious and confident language learners and to provide them with a foundation that will equip them for further language studies.

Please note; all our curriculum planning documents are designed and sequenced so that pupils build the intended knowledge and skills over time. The content for each year group will remain the same however the sequence of delivery may be altered for greater effect in response to the needs, interests and experiences of individual cohorts, groups or the whole school community. 

Design & Technology

Our curriculum for Design & Technology aims to provide a broad range of practical experiences to inspire children to create innovative designs based on real and relevant contexts. Each unit encourages children to identify problems, critically evaluate existing products and then take risks and innovate when designing their own products. Across every year group, children are given the opportunities to design, plan, make & evaluate through a range of exciting practical projects. They will practise skills, utilise prior knowledge and be introduced to new ideas as they move through school. Cooking skills and understanding of nutrition are also developed in every year group. Children build on their wealth of skills and understanding, now and in the future and develop their resilience and perseverance by continually evaluating and improving their work.

Please note; all our curriculum planning documents are designed and sequenced so that pupils build the intended knowledge and skills over time. The content for each year group will remain the same however the sequence of delivery may be altered for greater effect in response to the needs, interests and experiences of individual cohorts, groups or the whole school community. 

Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Luddenden CE School is committed to providing an inclusive environment which nurtures health, self-respect, confidence and resilience. Our PSHE and RSE curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils develop the knowledge, skills, attributes and resilience they need to manage their lives well now and in the future.

As well as meeting the statutory guidance for Relationships Education, this curriculum is designed to help children to stay healthy and safe while preparing them to make the most of life and work.

Learning opportunities are based on three core themes, with extensive overlap:

  • Core theme 1: Health & Wellbeing
  • Core theme 2: Relationships
  • Core theme 3: Living in the wider world.

Learning is planned according to pupils’ development, readiness and needs, and takes into account prior learning, experience and understanding. PSHE education addresses both pupils’ direct experience and preparation for their future. Therefore, we feel it is important to provide a spiral programme of knowledge, skills and attribute development, where prior learning is revisited, reinforced and extended in age and key stage appropriate contexts. We believe that PSHE education should reflect the universal needs shared by all pupils as well as the specific needs of the pupils at our school.

Through our PSHE & RSE curriculum children build the information and skills they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing. Pupils develop the ability to regulate their own emotions and are empathetic towards others. Our pupils develop the resilience, character and inspiration that we know are fundamental to them being happy, successful and productive members of society.

Please note; all our curriculum planning documents are designed and sequenced so that pupils build the intended knowledge and skills over time. The content for each year group will remain the same however the sequence of delivery may be altered for greater effect in response to the needs, interests and experiences of individual cohorts, groups or the whole school community. 

Home Learning

We believe that a strong partnership between school and home is at the heart of successful education.

Home learning can;

  • Enable pupils to make maximum progress in their academic & social development
  • Help pupils develop confidence & independence
  • Provide educational experiences not possible in school
  • Consolidate & reinforce learning done in school and allow children to practise skills taught
  • Provide a focus for adult and child interaction

Through our provision of high-quality home and remote learning we aim to engage and support all our families in playing an active role in achieving these aims at home as well as in school.

Children really benefit from the mutual support of families and teachers in encouraging them to learn both at home and at school. When children are supported at home, especially in reading, writing and maths, they often achieve much greater success.

Learning Links


Luddenden CE School is committed to providing an environment which inspires confident, independent and innovative learners. Our Computing curriculum is designed to ensure our pupils develop the knowledge and skills that will enable them to go out into the world digitally literate and able to participate fully in the future digital lifestyles and workplace. We aim for our pupils to become digital creators as well as discerning digital consumers. Our curriculum ensures that pupils understand how to keep themselves safe online and develops pupils’ resilience and responsiveness to the ever-changing online world and world of technology.

The Purple Mash schemes of work will form the core computing curriculum. Throughout their time in school pupils will build, strengthen and enhance their computing knowledge, skills and understanding through a wide range of engaging, practical and relevant learning activities. Optimum use will be made of cross-curricular links to consolidate learning in Computing and to promote learning in other subjects.