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Key Information

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

We pride ourselves on our inclusivity. Provision for pupils with additional needs is a key priority for all at Luddenden CE School. We offer a wide range of expertise, strategies, interventions and facilities to support and nurture pupils’ personal, social and academic development. Our day-to-day practice throughout school is autism aware and trauma/attachment informed. The information below outlines our policy for pupils with SEND. All of the children we teach have their own unique set of needs, skills and talents – therefore we always adopt a personalised approach to supporting children with SEND into school. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’d like to know more about how we could welcome your child into our school family.


Leaders have brought about significant improvements across all aspects of school life.

Our latest inspection took place on 1-2 December 2021 and you can view the report here.
It’s fair to say we were disappointed with the overall judgement but we are delighted with all the positive content in the report that really highlights our strengths and successes. The inspection team were impressed by how much we have achieved in a relatively short time and throughout pandemic. The report recognises all the positive improvements we have made and identifies two specific areas we need to do more work on (identifying SEND needs and training for EYFS staff). These target areas meant that although we were only a whisker away, we disappointingly maintained our overall judgement of ‘requires improvement’ but, we are delighted to say that our Behaviour and Personal Development have now been judged as ‘Good’! Everyone who has read the report so far says that it sounds like the report of a ‘good’ school and there is plenty to celebrate.
Here are the highlights from the report and feedback from the inspectors during the inspection;
  • The inspectors saw no negative behaviour at all, anywhere, at anytime throughout the whole of the inspection.
  • Pupils are calm and orderly, they concentrate well and show positive attitudes to learning.
  • Our school promotes an inclusive environment and pupils are proud to be good global citizens.
  • Pupils say they feel safe in school and know how to stay safe online.
  • All pupils showed positive attitudes to diversity.
  • Our subject leaders are passionate and knowledgeable across the board.
  • Our curriculum is ambitious, carefully thought out, well  structured and enables pupils to build on what they have learnt before.
  • We make sure Reading is a priority and our pupils get off to a flying start with Phonics in Reception.
  • Pupils enjoy reading and read with accuracy and fluency.
  • Safeguarding is effective and we have rigorous systems for reporting concerns and taking swift and appropriate action.
Pupils enjoy learning at Luddenden Church of England School
Behaviour around school is calm and sensible because adults have high expectations
Pupils care deeply about the environment.
Leaders have high expectations of what pupils will achieve.

Premium Spending and Financial Information

The documents below provide a summary of how our Pupil Premium, PE & Sport Premium and Catch up Premium are invested.

Please visit our school’s page on the Schools Financial Benchmarking service.

Test and Assessment Results

These performance measures are from 2018-2019. The Government will not publish data for the year 2021-22 academic year. This is because statutory assessments returned for the first time since 2019, without adaptations, after the disruption caused by the pandemic. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.


Luddenden CE School understands its responsibilities towards child protection and safeguarding, and pupil safety is our highest priority. We are committed to ensuring that pupils feel safe in their education and if we suspect that a child has been harmed, or may come to harm, will take action to safeguard and protect that child.

Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are;

  • Lisa Hoyle
  • Sharon Parker
  • Jessica Collett

If you are worried or have any concerns about a child please contact the school or Calderdale’s Multi-agency Screening Team (MAST) on 01422 393336.

If you feel that a child is at risk of immediate harm please call the Police.

Safeguarding Policies & Documentation

Useful contact numbers
  • NSPCC 24hr free phone – 0808 800 5000
  • Childline – 0800 1111
  • Calderdale Domestic Abuse Support – 01422 323339
  • National Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0808 2000 247
  • Police Non-emergency number – 101
  • Calderdale MAST – 01422 393336

‘Leaders make sure everyone receives the training they need to help keep pupils safe. They take swift and appropriate action to ensure the safety of vulnerable pupils.’ Ofsted 21


The NSPCC site provides detailed & practical advice to help you learn about staying safe online as a family.

Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre’s website houses a range of information on how to stay safe online. It includes a unique facility that enables parents and young people to make reports of actual or attempted abuse online.

The Childnet International website gives internet safety advice and links for young people, parents, teachers and other organisations.

On the UK Safer Internet Centre website, you can find e-safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe on the internet.

This site is built by parents for parents. It offers clearly written guidebooks explaining apps, services and platforms popular with children and teenagers.

Check out these useful Parent Guides…

Download this useful app and have wealth of online safety knowledge right at your fingertips!